Friday 23 November 2012

Ideal Food for Picnic

A sunny day is definitely a perfect day for picnic.

I always look forward to weekends with great weather, so that I can pack my picnic box and head to the park for a relaxing picnic.

So, what is in my picnic box?

As I could recall, my childhood picnic was way elaborate when it comes to food. For my family, picnic means feast. That was the reason why my mom and aunts would prepare food that was enough to feed a village. Exaggerated? Not at all as there were 4 families in those 'expedition'.  The MUST have food were fried noodle, fried rice, curry chicken, tidbits such as fried nuggets, cocktail sausages, spring rolls, curry puffs etc. As for the dessert, it must be our all-time-favourite, cendol jelly. Typical Asian food since no salads or sandwiches were found in the menu.

My version of picnic food is simple. Home made salad and some sandwiches are good to go. Check out my picnic box.

1. Denise's salad -> a mix of hard boiled eggs, cucumber, tomato, ham and luncheon meat
2. Pizza bread -> oven baked bread slices with cheese, tomato, cucumber and ham
3. Chicken nuggets

All these took less than an hour to prepare. Less prep time means I have more time to spend in the park.

I'm ready to go for a picnic now!

Ideal Food for Picnic
Denise's Salad

Ideal Food for Picnic
Pizza Bread

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