Saturday 1 December 2012

Homemade Pan Mee

Weather turns chilly since last week as winter is looming around the corner. There is nothing more satisfying than having a bowl of steaming hot pan mee soup during cold days like these.

Pan mee, also known as mian fen guo (flour noodle in English) is my all-time-favourite. I know exactly where to get the best pan mee in my hometown. Pan mee is so addictive! Every week without miss, I would surely pamper myself with a bowl of pan mee soup. By the way, it only costs a mere 2 Euros a bowl back home.

You can have your pan mee in soup, dried form or even stir-fried with thick soy source. I like mine in the traditional way, that is soup based with finely hand-tear flour noodles, crispy fried shallot and ikan bilis (anchovies), leafy vegetable and some well seasoned minced chicken. The special-made chili dip completes a perfect bowl of pan mee soup.  

Since fish cake, eggs and leafy vegetable are the only ingredients I could find from my fridge, I decided to make a less elaborate pan mee today.

This is my recipe.

  • 1 cube of Maggie Chicken Cube
  • 500g of all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 tea spoon of salt
  • 1 egg (fried and sliced into thin shreds) 
  • some fish cake (cut into slices)
  • some leafy vegetable (your preference)
  • some fried shallots (you can get the ready made fried shallots from AH or Asian market)
  • some sambal oolek

Making the dough
Step 1: Sift the flour into a mixing bowl and add in a pinch of salt
Step 2: Gradually pour in the water and stir the mixture until the flour and water turns to dough form
Step 3: Knead the dough for 15 minutes until the dough turns smooth and elastic
Step 4: Cover the dough with a cling wrap and set it to rest in the fridge for 2 hours

Cooking the Pan Mee
Step 1: Add a cube of Maggie Chicken Soup into a sauce pan with boiling water
Step 2: Tear the dough by hand into small pieces (thickness according to your preference) into the boiling soup
Step 3: Add in fish cake and vegetable. Stir for 1 minute
Step 4: Dish up and sprinkle some fried shallots and shredded eggs on the pan mee

Tip: For an extra kick, add in a dash of sambal oolek

Voila ... there you go my Netherlands version of pan mee soup, with fish cake, shredded egg and pak choi.

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