Saturday 12 January 2013

Authentic Korean Food at Seoul Garden in The Hague

Seoul Garden @ Den Haag
Kim-chi Soup
Seoul Garden @ Den Haag
My first visit to Seoul Garden Korean Restaurant was almost 2 months ago. Without prior reservation, we were asked politely by the owner to return after an hour since the little restaurant was fully booked for that evening.

First impression implied that the food served in this tiny family owned restaurant must be authentic and good since majority of the patrons were Koreans. Alas we did not return that particular night. Nevertheless, I made a promise to return soon and be more prepared for my next visit.

My 'DO' List
1) Avoid weekend if possible as it is usually packed
2) Prior reservation is definitely necessary
3) Beat the crowd by taking the earliest available slot, 5.30pm. Korean food takes time to prepare. The main course might takes at least 20 minutes to be served after the order is taken.
4) Bring a perfume spray if possible as you may need it after the meal due to rather below par ventilation in the restaurant. I bet you would not want to smell like smoked BBQ ribs after walking out from the restaurant

Being the first customer for the day, we were taking our own sweet time to browse through the menu. Besides the Bulgogi grill meats, there are home-cook style Korean traditional meals to choose from. You may have it as Ala-cart or set meal. Set meals range from 13 to 19, a main course which served together with Korean pancakes, rice, soup, kimchi (pickled Chinese cabbage with red peppers, garlic and sea salt) and fresh seasonal vegetables.

Appetizer & Soup
Our picks were a Kimchi Chige (spicy kimchi stew with pork and tofu) and a Bibimbab (rice with beef, various vegetables, sesame oil, red pepper paste). You may have your Bibimbab serves in a hotpot by topping an additional 1.

As expected, the dishes are really spot on with an authentic Korean home-cook taste. I especially like the spicy cucumber pickles side dish. It is crunchy and really flavorful. One spoonful of warm rice with a few slices of spicy cucumber pickles ... and I'm in cloud nine!

The spicy kimchi tofu stew really has got quite some kick to it. The sourness of the Chinese cabbage kimchi and the spicy broth blended in perfectly. The Bibimbab was not bad either. The beef slices were well marinated and tender.

Such a satisfying meal for the day. I shall definitely revisit Seoul Garden for more sumptuous home-cook Korean food!
Seoul Garden @ Den Haag
Interior Decor of Seoul Garden

Seoul Garden
Bagijnestraat 8
Den Haag
070 3250602

Operation Hours

Tue to Sat  5:30 - 22:30
Closed on Sun & Mon

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