Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hong Kong Cuisine @ Wing Kee Restaurant in The Hague

Wing Kee Restaurant @ The Hague
Wan Ton Noodle @ Wing Kee

Wing Kee Restaurant @ The Hague
Roasted Chicken Rice @ Wing Kee

It was this attractive advert in local Chinese press that drawn my interest to Wing Kee Restaurant, a restaurant that specialized in Hong Kong style cuisine such as the iconic roasted pork, chickens and ducks. Located just adjacent to the famous Wah Nam Hong Supermarket 华南行超市 at the The Hague Chinatown, Wing Kee restaurant is definitely easy to spot.

The restaurant was apparently closed for renovation when we were in Chinatown two weeks ago. Truly tempted by the vivid photos on the advert, we determined to give this restaurant another try this week. To our delight, the restaurant is finally opened for business.

We were warmly greeted when stepping into the restaurant in local Hong Kong dialect of Cantonese. Perhaps take-way business is their main focus, the interior decor is hardly emphasize. To be honest, the exterior of the restaurant is way more appealing than its interior. Blame it on the furniture as they are a bit dated and bulky. Anyway, it was the food that drove us here, hence would not elaborate more about the interior.

Wing Kee's signature Hong Kong dish is non other than the wanton noodle soup or dumpling noodle soup, so it was the first in our order list that day. The wanton (dumpling) was indeed the highlight. The texture of the marinated pork and shrimp filling was pretty good as the ingredients used were fresh. The wanton wraps were thin and smooth without the dreaded floury smell. It is definitely a recommended dish.

Our next order was the roasted chicken with rice. The generous portion of chicken thigh served was pretty lean as there was no trace of chicken fat found under the skin. For those who has a heavy palette like me may find the chicken was a bit under marinated. But this can be easily salvageable via a dash of chili oil.

All in a complete meal for two, with free Chinese tea that costs less than 15, I have no complaint to return soon!

Wing Kee Restaurant 荣记烧味餐厅
Gedempte Burgwal 41
Den Haag
Tel: 070 3644930


  1. Nice spread for 15 Euros! The wantan mee sure looks good, got me a craving for one.

    Happy new year to you and your loved ones Denise! :)

  2. HB, Happy new year to you too and thanks for dropping by.
