Sunday 24 February 2013

Dutch Street Snacks, Patatje and Croquettes @ FEBO

Japan is not the only country with vending machines selling hot snacks. In the Netherlands, you could get hot snacks from vending machines too. Just look for FEBO!

FEBO is the home grown fast food restaurant with snacks sold over the automatic vending machines. Hot snacks are displayed in individual see-through locker. What you need to do is to first choose the food in the locker. Insert the coins (exact value) into the coin slot, open the locker and redeem your food. As simple as 123.

The machine accept only coins (no paper notes) and no exchange for extra value inserted into the machine. Fear not if  you are running out of coins or do hot have the exact change. Next to the automats, there is this coin machine which you could exchange the paper notes to coins. Very thoughtful indeed!

Patatje, Croquettes at FEBO

FEBO serves mainly local snacks such as frikandellen (minced-meat hot dog) and kaassouffles (melted cheese in thin dough-wrap), croquette (mashed potato and ground meat in fried bread-crumbed roll) besides the typical hamburgers. The famous Dutch patatje (fries) is available in FEBO too. Usually serve in a cone, you can have your patatje with mayonnaise, curry sauce, ketchup, sate sauce or even a combination of mayo, raw onion and sate sauce. This is best known as Dutch patatje oorlog which means 'war chips'.
Patatje, Croquettes at FEBO
Patatje, Croquettes at FEBO

For cheap, fast and delicious Dutch's hot snack, it's gotta be none other than the famous snack bar, FEBO. 

Check out my other post on Dutch's street food, The Must Try Dutch Street Snack: Kibbeling.

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