Sunday 7 July 2013

Salami & Cheese Omelet with Pita Bread

Salami & Cheese Omelet sandwich
Salami & Cheese Omelet with Pita Bread
Guess I am not the only one cracking my head on what to do with the almost-expired left-over pita breads.

The flour tortillas and pita breads bought from supermarket are usually sold in dozen. Very often only half of the breads would be used and the remaining unused breads would be ended-up in the trash. I bought the 8pc pack pita breads from AH for 1. Serious, I struggle to finish the whole pack. After two meals, I still have half of the pack to go.

Food wasting is not my principle and with my creative juice flowing, I came out the idea to clear another 2 slices of pita bread with cheese, salami, egg and lettuce. My latest creation is a great lunch idea of Salami & Cheese Omelet with Pita Bread.

Golden brown pita bread
Pita bread can be pretty dry and bland tasting.  The plain pita is usually pale in color and uninviting in the looks department. For more flavourful and appealing pita bread, I first smear a layer of butter on the pita bread. With the buttered surface facing the heated pan, slightly press the pita bread so that the melted butter can be evenly coated on the pita breads. Next, toast the pita breads in the oven for 5-7 minutes until the the breads turn crispy and golden brown.

Crispy and golden brown pita bread
Crispy and golden brown pita bread

Salami & Cheese Omelet
Beat an egg in a bowl and add in the diced capsicum, salt, pepper and mix well. Next, pour in the egg mixture on a heated pan to make an omelet. Once the omelet is in shape, add in the salami and cheese on one half side of the omelet. Gently fold the other half to cover the fillings with a spatula, to form a half moon shape. Carefully flip the omelet over and continue to cook for 1 minute.

The toasted pita breads and omelet is now ready to be assembled. Layer a Romania lettuce on a pita bread, follow by the salami and cheese omelet. Top the omelet with another slice of green lettuce and pita bread. Cut them into half and serve.

There you go, the Salami & Cheese Omelet with Pita Bread. Easy peasy ya ...

Salami & Cheese Omelet sandwich
Salami & Cheese Omelet with Pita Bread (into half)

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