Saturday 27 July 2013

Yummy Moon Cake in the Netherlands

So sweet of Jay! He got each of us a mini moon cake immediately after he spotted them being sold in the Amazing Oriental Grocer.

It takes another 2 months to Moon Cake Festival but the local Asian grocers already have them sold on the racks. Wise approach indeed as consumers has longer time to sample the variety of moon cakes on sale. The taste of mooncake has evolved tremendously since the past decade, from the classic lotus paste or red beans filling to the current mixed fruits, cheese, coffee and chocolate flavour moon cake. Comes in an assortment of flavours, from sweet to savoury, consumers are simply spoilt for choices.

A standard size of a moon cake could be cut into 8 bite-size pieces for sharing. I hardly could finish a standard size moon cake all by my own and hence the mini moon cake just prefect for me. The mini moon cake is about the size of a cup cake, just in case you are curious about the size.

I am not sure what are the flavors available but mines was the green tea lotus paste filling. I was delighted to find a small piece of salted egg yolk in my mini moon cake. Such a satisfaction after the first bite! Bitterness of the green tea cut through the sweet taste of the lotus paste and the savory egg yolk harmonized both the savory and sweet taste. A cup of tea would be just perfect to go with the moon cake.

Perhaps I should stock up on some mini moon cake soon. Yup, mini moon cake included in my shopping list this week :)

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