Saturday 24 August 2013

The Perfect Midnight Snacks: AH Satay

sate with peanut sauce
Your little tummy starts groaning when the clock strikes at 12 midnight. A cup of instant noodle might sounds good. But I bet it still can't beat a skewer of succulent chicken satay with savory thick peanut sauce.

A skewer of charred satay is easy to access for urban Malaysians during these odd hours. An ideal example would be the famous food paradise, Jalan Alor in Kuala Lumpur. With most of the stalls operate till 2-3am in the morning, Jalan Alor is a great place for midnight snacks such as satay.

Unlike the lucky folks in Malaysia, with most restaurants close at 11pm, the hunt for late night snacks seem to be mission impossible in the Netherlands. If you really crave for satay, I do have a fix for you - the frozen chicken satay with peanut sauce from Albert Heijn.

Three sticks of satay in thick peanut sauce is sold at affordable price of €0.90 per pack. This pre-cooked chicken satay is packed in a microwavable container. It is really convenient. Just poke a few holes on the wrapper and heat up in microwave oven for 3 minutes. Plate up and enjoy your satay with some cucumber slice.

sate with peanut sauce
I dislike my satay with chunks of fat and chicken skin, hence this AH satay suits my taste well. Check out the chicken chunks. These are high quality and succulent chicken breast meat.

The peanut sauce is thick yet smooth in texture and the portion is just right. It is more than enough to coat all the satay skewers and at the same time you may have extra to go with your rice (if you are having the satay with rice). Localized to suit local taste buds, the peanut sauce is non-spicy. If you like spicy sauce, perhaps a dash of sambal oelek could do the wonders.

satay with fired rice (sate with fried rice)
The AH frozen chicken satay is a perfect match for my homemade nasi goreng 'shrimps fried rice'. You may even top it up with a fried egg and some cucumber slices to make it an awesome and healthy lunch too!

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