Sunday 13 October 2013

What You Can Do With Wasa Crispbread

simple afternoon snacks
Wasa crispbread The bite size cracker pizza is my all-time-favourite. It is indeed a no-brainer snack with simple ingredients and is very easy to prepare.

I am expecting guests this afternoon and this easy cracker pizza is just the prefect snack for the afternoon tea. 

The original recipe calls for soda cracker (苏打饼) as the pizza crust. Since I find soda crackers do rather easily turn soggy after a layer of pizza sauce, I opted to use the underrated Wasa Crispbread as the pizza base instead. Besides being the healthier alternative, Wasa crispbread is drier, less absorbent and will not turn soggy easily after baking with the pizza sauce and other ingredients such as paprika, onion or tomato.

Just like the usual method to prepare pizza, spread the pizza sauce evenly on the crispbreads. Then add toppings of your choice (I topped my crispbread pizza with ham and paprika), follows by a layer of mozzarella cheese. Bake in the oven for roughly 10 minutes, at 200°C heat until the cheese has melted. The Wasa crispbread pizza is ready to be served.

For an ideal finishing, I will serve my guests with freshly squeezed cranberry and raspberry smoothie to quench the thirst after the savory snack. Sounds like a perfect plan isn't it?

Simple ingredients, health, fuss free and tasty -- the Wasa crispbread pizza. Pizza lovers, do try this at home!

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