Thursday 28 November 2013

Awesome and Easy Stir-fry Chinese Radish Cake

Stir-fry Carrot Cake
This is my version of stir-fry Chinese radish cakes, a dish I am super proud of.

I always wanted to make the dish at home but struggled since aeons to assemble the bill of materials. The ready-to-eat pan-fried radish cake from QQ Bakery sounds good but not perfect as they are way too oily for stir-frying. Until recently, I discover the frozen Chinese radish cakes from Amazing Oriental Chinese grocer which is just perfect for my stir-fry Chinese radish cakes.
It is actually pretty simple to prepare this dish. As long as you have the right ingredients, you can made your own stir-fry Chinese radish cakes at home with minimal fuss and cost.

The ingredients: 2 slices of frozen Chinese radish cakes, 1 beaten egg, some beansprouts, some spring onion (cut into stripes), finely chopped garlic, chili sauce, thick soy sauce and light soy sauce.

First, steam the frozen Chinese radish cake in microwave for 3 minutes. Then cut the cake into cubes, roughly 2cm in length and width. Put aside for later use. Next heat up a table spoon of oil in the pan and brown the finely chopped garlic. Once the garlic turns slightly brown, add-in the steamed radish cake cubes follow by the chili sauce, think soy sauce and light soy sauce. Stir-fry for 2 minutes then add-in the beaten egg and carefully coat the radish cake with the egg. Lastly, put in the beansprout and spring onion and stir-fry for another minute until all the ingredients are mixed well. Plate out and garnish the dish with fried shallots.

For a simple dish that costs at least €5/plate at the dim sum restaurant, I can actually made it at home with minimal cost and way healthier too.

Additional tips:
a. For additional flavour, you may add-in the preserved Chinese radish (chai-pu) into the dish. Just stir-fry the finely chopped chai-pu with the garlic before putting in the Chinese radish cake cubes.
b. Best to put in the beansprout and spring onion last to preserve their crunch
c. For those who dislike greens, you may skip the beansprout and spring onion all together as the stir-fry radish cake on it own (or with egg) is also pretty awesome.

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