Sunday 22 December 2013

Best Portuguese Egg Tart @ Pasteis de Belem Lisbon

Pasteis de Belem, Lisbon Portugal
Jay has been talking about the best egg-tart he had tried in Lisbon. I thought the KFC's custard egg-tart was good enough for me until I have tasted the real egg-tart from Pasteis de Belem Lisbon. It is in fact the best egg-tart I have ever tasted so far. Yes, you hear me right, the BEST!!

Crispy crust base from over a dozen a distinct pastry layers coupled with mouth watering and creamy egg custard, every bite is heavenly. The egg custard is just right in taste and consistency, not overly sweet either too hard or soft, it just melt instantly in your mouth.
Pasteis de Belem, Lisbon Portugal
It is so good and you could barely satisfied by just a single tart. There is no problem for the petite me to consume 3 in a row. This really tell how good it is.

Egg tart is usually best to enjoy hot. However, these tarts still remain good after being kept overnight even without reheating in the oven. The crust was still crunchy and crispy. I swept 4 the night before and kept 2 for breakfast the next day ... hehe
Pasteis de Belem, Lisbon Portugal

For best Portuguese egg-tart, then it got to be the famous egg-tart from Pasteis de Belem, Lisbon. You will expect to queue for the egg-tart but it is definitely worth waiting.

Sold at €1.05/pc but better to get 1/2 dozen for €6.

This is the egg-tart you will keep returning for!
Pasteis de Belem, Lisbon Portugal

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