Saturday 27 February 2016

Easy and Tasty Homemade Gyoza

Crispy Gyoza
I have long for gyoza or Japanese dumpling since my last trip to London borough market. I deliberately spent my weekend shopping at the Asian grocer to collect relevant ingredients. Of course there are frozen gyoza available for sale, but nothing beats the homemade version which is superior in taste and miles healthier without any preservatives.

It is indeed simple to make your own gyoza with the ready made gyoza wrappers. Of course you may also make your own wrapper, but I find in more convenience with the ready made wrappers. I have attempted the homemade gyoza wrapper before and it turned out to be less crispy. Perhaps, the dough was not perfect was slightly thick.

Here are the ingredients for the gyoza.
350g of chicken mince, 1 pack of ready made gyoza wrappers, scallion (finely chopped), salt, pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce, cooking oil, water.

1. Add some salt, pepper, sesame oil and soy sauce to the chicken mince
2. Stir the mixture in clockwise direction (stir in one direction only) till it turned to paste form. You may stop the stir process once the meat paste turn slightly gluey. This means, you can start to wrap the gyoza.
3. Place a small table spoon of the chicken paste in the middle of the gyoza wrapper. Fold it to half moon shape. Seal the wrapper edge with some water. You may use a brush or just damp the wrapper edge with your finger.
5. Heat up some cooking oil in the skillet and pan fry the wrapped gyoza to golden brown.

The best way to enjoy the gyoza is to eat it with the special homemade dipping sauce - sesame oil and vinegar plus some sliced ginger.

A recipe worth a try. Happy trying!

Crispy Gyoza

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