Sunday 19 June 2016

Zipangu Shangri-la: Luxurious Japanese Treats

Luxurious Japanese Treats at Zipangu
The unagi bento is main reason for my repeated visits to  Zipangu Japanese restaurant at Shangri-la Hotel. Regardless on constant reminders to try out other dishes in the menu, my option is always the same. Yeah, I listen to my inner instinct as it knows exactly what I desire.
Grilled eel at Zipangu
The unagi serve here are high in quality, fresh, thick and fleshy. The skin of the unagi is lightly charred while the flesh remained tender and juicy. Grilled to perfection, every bite is so satisfying. Those unagi sold in supermarkets or common Japanese food chains are simply incomparable. Those off-the-shelf pieces are thin in slices and sometimes with fishy smell. The one served here are fresh with no trace of fishy smell. The difference is due to the usage of Sea eel instead farmed fresh water eel.

You may order the unagi bento set or Ala-cart unagi which comes with 5-pc of thick sliced unagi (MYR89). They are ideal as snack or side dishes. I would recommend the bento set as it served with a side dish, rice, miso soup and chanwanmushi. Of course you will get only 4pc of smaller unagi slices.

Zipangu Kuala Lumpur
The teriyaki cod fish is second in the line after unagi which I will recommend. The cod is so fresh and the flesh was oh so flaky. The teriyaki sauce is rather mild as the chef would like to showcase the natural taste of the fish.
I had also tried the Saba fish set, lobster and wagyu beef set and sushi set before. The Saba fish set is normal but the wagyu beef set is worth a try. The lobster and beef slices are pan fried, tepanyakki style and served with tangy ponzu sauce. Very appetizing instead. The sushi set is not my thing, perhaps I am not a sashimi person and do not appreciate 'raw seafood' well. I instantly felt that I experienced iron overdose after the sushi set. The zinc and iron taste kept lingering in my breath and I felt discomfort the whole day. Even several mouth washes can't remove the smell.
Luxurious Japanese Treats at Zipangu
If you still have room for dessert, do try the mochi red beans with green-tea ice cream. The warm glutinous rice ball mochi contrast perfectly with the green-tea ice cream accentuated further by the sweetness from the red beans to form a truly balance taste. For those who prefer fresh fruit, the strawberries jelly will be a great option. It is indeed very refreshing, all natural with only natural sweetness from the fresh strawberries.

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