Sunday 28 August 2016

Delicious Egg Puff Recipe

The best way to spend rainy weekend is to conduct some "food experiments" at home. Yeah, that was what I did last Sunday. I did two simple types of pastries with the ready made pastry sheets I bought from the supermarket. Showcase in this post is the easy egg puff recipe. If you like eggs as well as puff pastry (like me), you will surely like these egg puffs. They taste really good so make sure you make a few extras.

140g frozen pastry sheet, 4 eggs, half onion (sliced), 1 medium size red capsicum (cut into 4cm long stripes), garlic powder, 1 egg yolk (beaten), salt and pepper, some olive oil.

1. Defrost the pastry sheet by following the instructions on the label.
2. Cut the pastry sheet into 10x5cm size - any square or rectangular shape you prefer.
3. About 1cm from the edge of the cut pastry sheet, slightly make a fine line using the back of the knife. Don't cut the edge. The purpose for this step is to create the frame for the filling later.Store in the fridge for 30 minutes to fix the shape.
4. Lay the onion and capsicum on the baking tray. Drizzle some olive oil, sprinkle some garlic powder, salt and pepper. Bake in the oven under 175c heat for 20 minutes.
6. Remove the pastry sheet from the fridge and assemble the filling. Make sure no filling at the outer edges.
7. Brush the edges with egg yolk and pop into the preheated oven to bake for 10 minutes (175c heat). The edge should rise and puff up after 10 minutes. You should see the 'frame' created.
8. Crack an egg into the 'frame' for each individual pastry sheet and bake for another 8-10 minutes.
9. Sprinkle some pepper and salt on top of the egg and serve the egg puff while warm. YUM!! 

I have made the pesto pastry rolls as well on the same day but they turned out  a bit ugly. Reason being, the greedy me had indeed sprinkled way too much cheese on top. They oozed from the roll and turned the pastry soggy. Perhaps I should make another batch next time.

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