Sunday 14 August 2016

Tortilla Egg Crepes


Egg crepes are deemed as the popular breakfast in Taiwan and China. The egg-roll looking crepes is also a well known street food as they are usually sold by the road side in a pulling cart. The outer layer of the egg crepes is actually a thin layer of flour batter that pan fried till crisp.

I am fascinated with the dish as they look yummy and simple to prepare. I have been to China for a couple of times for business trips but lady luck was not by my side as the infamous egg crepes were nowhere to be found around my office. Phoebe who had tried out the authentic egg crepes in Beijing was proudly 'showing-off' the photo of egg crepes to me. No doubt they really looked delicious which inspire me to create a homemade version egg crepes by substituting the flour batter base with Tortilla.

I am not certain how close my version of egg crepes as compare with the version sold in China, but I would say, my tortilla egg crepes tasted super good. It was so addictive until I made it for breakfast in 2 consecutive days.

Here you go the recipe for Denise's version of Tortilla Egg Crepes.

1pc of tortilla flatbread
1 egg
1 tbsp of teriyaki sauce
1/2 tbsp of cooking oil
shredded mozzarella cheese
some chopped scallion
pepper and salt to taste

1. Heat up the flat pan with cooking oil (low heat). Place the tortilla flatbread on the pan, spread the teriyaki sauce on the tortilla and crack an egg on it.
2. Smear the egg to cover the surface of the tortilla, then sprinkle some salt and pepper.
3. Add in the chopped scallion.
4. Flip the tortilla to cook the egg
5. Re-flip the tortilla once the egg are completely cooked.
6. Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese on top.
7. Fold the crepes as shown in graphic #7 and #9.

Once done, cut the egg crepes and serve. The pan fried tortilla is so crispy while the melted cheese oozes out. Every bite is very satisfying indeed. Best breakfast ever.

For a more luxurious version, you may add-in any of your favourite toppings, preferable 'dryer' toppings such as hotdog, nugget, pepperoni or even ham. Mushroom is not recommended as they take longer time to cook which causes a burnt tortilla base. Another tip is, cook with low heat as tortilla will get burn pretty easily. Enjoy trying the recipe!!

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