Saturday 20 January 2018

Heart Warming and Simple Rice Porridge Recipe

rice congee

The above-freezing temperature continues, snow piled up with no signs of abating soon, but there comes the snow again. Chill weather like this makes me crave for a bowl of warm porridge to keep my body and soul warm. 

My version of chicken porridge is packed with goodies - shredded chicken, seaweed, pickled vegies, scallions, sesame seeds and ginger strips. Seasoning is kept simple: a sprinkle of white pepper, a dash of sesame oil and soy sauce. I added no sugar to my porridge. The sweet flavor stems purely from the natural sweetness of sweet potatoes. 

150g of chicken breast
100g sweet potatoes (cut into cubes)
1 cup rice
8 cups water
1 chicken cube
salt to taste

Garnish or toppings
pickled vegies
sesame seeds
ginger strips
white pepper
sesame oil
soy sauce

1. Wash and soak rice for over night.
2. Add rice, water and chicken cubes into the pot and bring to boil.
3. Once the rice is boiling, turn heat to medium low and add-in the chicken breast and sweet potatoes.
4. Once the chicken breast is cooked, scoop it up and set aside to room temperature.
5. Continue to boil the porridge until it becomes thick and creamy texture. Remember to stir it often.
6. Shred the chicken breast.
7. Add in the shredded chicken and salt into the porridge and mix well.
8. Serve the rice porridge with the desired garnishes and toppings.

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