Friday 30 November 2018

Maggi's Ayam Masak Merah (Red Sauce Chicken)

Red Sauce Chicken

I used to have a male ex-colleague who loves cooking. Every weekend he would try out different recipe and shared the outcome with us the next day (Monday) when he came to work. His signature dish was Ayam Masak Merah (AMM) aka red sauce chicken, which he was super proud of.

It sounded a bit complicated to prepare the dish based on his explanation, so I dropped the idea to attempt the dish even-though he shared the recipe with us. I later discovered that there are pre-mixed pack of AMM sold in the supermarket. There are a few brands to opt for, but I choose the Maggi brand. The pre-mix is in powder form.

Maggi's Ayam Masak Merah

Besides chicken pieces and pre-mix pack, you will need other seasonings and ingredients such as ketchup (tomato sauce), turmeric powder, green peas, sliced onions and tomato. I am not a big fan of green pea, so I skip it.

Personally I think, the overall dish tastes decent but not something to be wild about. Perhaps I have not try the authentic Ayam Masak Merah dish before, so I wouldn't comment much on it. For those who are curious (like me) on how AMM tastes like, may consider to give the Maggi pre-mixed pack a try. However please be prepared for trial-and-error and adjust the taste based on your liking. In order to suit my taste, I have added 2 tsp of curry powder and 1 tbsp sugar to my dish. I found the dish is a bit dry, so I added some water too to reach the gravy consistency.

500g of chicken
1 packet of Maggi's Masak Merah pre-mixed sauce
1 onion (sliced)
2 tomato (cut into cubes)
2 tbs turmeric powder
3 tbsp ketchup (tomato sauce)
2 tbsp cooking oil
100ml water

1/3 cup green pea
1 tsp curry powder
1 tbsp sugar

1. Marinate the chicken pieces with turmeric powder.
2. Heat up oil in the pan. Pan-fry chicken pieces till golden brown. Dish out and set a side for later use.
3. Mix the Maggi's Masak Merah powder with 100ml of water. Stir well.
4. In the same pan, pour in the sauce mixture and bring to boil.
5. Add in the chicken pieces, sliced onions, tomato cubes and ketchup (tomato sauce). Stir well and cook for 5 min.
6. Dish out and serve your Ayam Masak Merah with fluffy white rice.

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