Wednesday 29 May 2019

Spicy Ayam Masak Merah (Maggi premix sauce)

Maggi perencah ayam masak merah berempah

Yes, I am making red sauce chicken, aka ayam masak merah again! What differentiated from my previous ayam masak merah is, this is a spicy version. I am using the same premix sauce by Maggi's brand, but with some twist. I am super satisfied with the improvised recipe as it tastes as good as the ayam masak merah dish which you can find at the local malay stalls.  (check out my older post here)

For my first attempt, I followed the cooking instructions on the packet. It was not quite the taste and consistency I was looking for. Perhaps I should have been using chicken drumsticks og chicken thighs instead of size bite chicken breast.

I personally think extra chili powder and chili flakes have done a fantastic touch to the dish. Another key point is, use chicken drumsticks instead chicken breast. Chicken breast can turn dry and hard when cook for long.

800g of chicken drumsticks
1 packet of Maggi's Masak Merah pre-mixed sauce
3 onion (sliced)
2 tomato (cut into cubes)
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp chili flakes
3 tbsp ketchup (tomato sauce)
2 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
80 ml water
salt and sugar to taste

Marinate for chicken drumsticks
1 tbsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp soy sauce

1. Marinate the chicken drumsticks with turmeric powder and soy sauce.
2. Heat up cooking oil in the skillet. Pan-fry chicken drumsticks till golden brown. Dish out, set aside for later use.
3. Mix Maggi's Masak Merah powder with chili powder, chili flakes and water. Stir well.
4. In the same pan, pour in the sauce mixture and bring to boil.
5. Add in the chicken drumsticks, sliced onions, tomato cubes and tomato sauce. Stir well and cook for 5 min.
6. Add lemon juice, salt and sugar. Stir well and cook for another 3-5 min.
7. Dish out the Ayam Masak Merah and garnish it with some coriander (fresh or dry)

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