Saturday 29 February 2020

Egg-Mayo Onigiri


Cold winter makes me too lazy for heavy cooking. I am hungry yet I am not in the mood to cook. At the same time, my tummy is so reluctant to be satisfied by instant noodles.

There is some left over rice in the fridge, and I think I can make something out of it. I rummage through my little pantry and I found a packet of furikake. Boom ... let's make a handmade onigiri with it.

I am making the egg-mayo onigiri. The ingredients are rather simple: a hard-boiled egg, salt and pepper to taste, mayonnaise, cooked rice and furikake aka onigiri seasoning.

1. Use a fork, slightly break the hard-boiled egg into small pieces. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mixed well. 

2. Spread the rice evenly on a cling film (to form a square shape)
3. Sprinkle some furikake on top of the spread rice. Lightly press the furikake onto the surface of the rice, so they stick.
4. On another cling film, flip the rice over with the furikake surface facing down.
5. Spread the egg-mayo mix on the rice.
6. Use both of your hands to squeeze the rice and form a rice ball or rice square. Make sure the egg-mayo filling is well covered by the rice.


Avoid putting too much of egg-mayo filling into the rice ball as they may over-flow and you will have difficulty to seal the onigiri.

Less than 5 minutes to prepare, simple yet hearty. The only downside with it is, I used overnight rice for the recipe. I would have used warm rice instead for better texture.

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