Monday 10 August 2020

Cereal Fish Fillets

I first made the dish few months ago. It was a great success and I was super thrill on how delicious the dish tasted. I was drooling awhile when the dish was done. I was so eager to sample the dish and totally forgot to snap a photo of the final dish. By the time I realized, the dish was half gone.

Since I love the dish so much, I am making it again ^_^. I used shrimps for my previous dish, but I am using plaice aka flatfish for today's recipe. You can use any types of white fish. As for the Nestum cereal, they can be found in the Asian grocers.


250g plaice (sliced)
2 tsp egg white
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp white pepper
1 tsp cooking wine
15g plain flour
15g corn starch
40g butter
cooking oil

Cereal Mixture

1 cup Nestum cereal
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp milk powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper


1. Marinate the fish fillets with egg white, salt, pepper and cooking wine. Marinate for 30min.
2. Mix plain flour and corn-starch together, mix well. Coat the marinated fish fillets in the flour (both sides).
3. Heat up cooking oil in the pan. Pan-fry the fish until both sides are lightly browned. Set aside.
4. In the pan, add in butter. Once butter is melted, add in the cereal mix. Stir fry for 2-3 min.
5. Add in the fish fillets into the pan again. Lightly stir until all the fish fillets are well coated with the cereal.

Note: If you are using the 3-in-1 Nestum cereal sachet, please skip adding sugar and milk powder.

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