Wednesday 13 March 2013

Delicious Korean Pancake Recipe

Korean vegetable pancake with gochujang sauce
The gorgeous Instagram photos of Korean Kimchi Pancake really made me drool. I developed a sudden craving for a slice of spicy and crispy kimchi pancake.

After quick rummage through my kitchen and fridge, I located most of the ingredients required for kimchi pancake except the single most important which is... the KIMCHI !! If you face similar situation as me, crave for kimchi pancake yet with no trace of kimchi at home, please don't be panic as I have a solution for you. It works for me, it should work for you too!

The answer is none other than the famous Gochujang (Korean fermented hot pepper chili paste) which could save your day. Yes, yummy kimchi pancake can be made anytime even without kimchi. Surprise?

Korean vegetable pancake with gochujang sauce
This is how I made my kimchi pancake. Although by no means authentic, this simple Korean pancake recipe is really tasty.. :)

Ingredients: 90g plain flour, 100ml water, 1/2 tbsp of gochujang, salt to taste, cooking oil, few leaf of Chinese cabbage and 2 stalks of scallion (cut the veggies into stripes).

* It can be any green of your choice and I even added in some spinach as it is in season now.

Instructions: Combine the flour, salt, gochujang and water together to form the batter. Mix well until the batter reaches the desired consistency of typical pancake batter. Add in the veggies into the batter. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Then, spread the veggie batter over the base of the pan to make a thin layer of pancake. Over medium heat, fry the pancake for few minutes until the top starts to set and the bottom layer turns golden brown. Flip the pancake over by using a spatula and fry till both side turn golden brown and crispy. Serve your pancake hot with your favorite dips. Mine is the concoction of light soy sauce and sesame seed oil.

My pancake turned out great with the look that not only matches a typical kimchi pancake, it tasted equally good as the one from typical Korean restaurant back home. The taste, the texture and the color was a hit - BINGO!


  1. Hey Denise, love the improvisation! One of my favourite cuisines and snacks!

  2. This is the outcome from trial and error ... :) Lin, just like you, I am a big fan of Korean pancake.
