Monday 11 March 2013

Spring is Coming to the Netherlands

City of Leiden, South Holland

Spring is around the corner I reckon based on the first sprout of flowers and green twigs bursting through the dried trees. The undeniable signs that Spring is fast approaching. Somehow, the mercury once again refuses to rise and today it snows again. What a long long winter.

This is my second winter in foreign land, but definitely the longest and coldest as compare to my previous encounter in Beijing and Shanghai, China.

I have a strong urge to find out when the unforgiving winter will finally end. A quick check on reviewed the magical date of the first day on Spring: 20th of Mar which is just a mere 8 days to go. Hurray!

While praying and hoping for the first day of Spring to arrive, I still have to go through another few rounds of snow. As fore-casted, 16 to 18-Mar will be snowing in the Hague. Thereafter, the much awaited spring will finally arrive.

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