Saturday 4 May 2013

Delectable & Simple Singaporean Laksa Recipe

Tasty and yummy Laksa
Now everyone can cook a bowl of delicious Singaporean laksa!

Thanks to Mei who brought me this ready-to-cook Laksa sauce from Prima Taste (a Singapore product) during her recent visit to the Hague. I soon realize how easy it is to make a delectable bowl of Laksa at home that tastes as good as the one served in the restaurants.

The ready-to-cook kit came with clear instruction and three packages of pre-mix sauce - sambal chili sauce, the curry laksa paste and coconut milk powder.

Here is the quick instruction on how to prepare the Laksa gravy. Firstly, bring a pot of 600ml water to boil and pour in the coconut milk powder. Once the powder is fully dissolved, add in the curry paste and stir well. Lastly add in the fish cake or shrimps to the gravy. Cook for another 5 minutes until the  gravy is thick and rich.

With the Laksa gravy in place, I just need to prepare the basic condiments such as vermicelli (boiled in water for 3 minutes), cucumber and hard-boiled egg to complete a bowl of Laksa.

Ladle the gravy over the cooked vermicelli and top the vermicelli with cucumber shreds, hard-boiled egg (cut into slices) and fried shallots. There you go, a bowl of steaming hot Laksa is ready to be served.  
Tasty and yummy Laksa

The spiciness of the Laksa gravy is just perfect. For an extra kick, you may enjoy your Laksa with the sambal chili paste. The taste of the dried shrimps in the sambal elevated the overall taste profile tremendously.

It is truly a great invention ... the Prima Taste's ready-to-cook Laksa sauce. This cooking kit has indeed make our live easier. Lovin' it!!
Prima Taste Laksa Paste: Ready to Cook

Additional tips
a. Besides fish cakes, you can add-in any condiments of your choice into the gravy, such as chicken pieces, shrimps, fried bean curbs or squids
b. A squeeze of lemon or lime juice helps to provide the acidity to cut through the oiliness of the Laksa gravy

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