Tuesday 7 May 2013

Spring in Japanese Garden @ Clingendael Park

The Hague's Japanese Garden
The Japanese Garden in Clingendael Park (Japanse Tuin Clingendael) is finally reopened to the public this Spring.

To commemorate the 100th year anniversary of the garden, a huge red Torii or Japanese arch is set-up right at the main entrance of the Clingendael Park to give a warmth welcome to all visitors.

This small but utterly beautiful Japanese garden is very well preserved and maintained. The garden exudes a strong Japanese feel, and instantly flashes me back to the Ginkaku-ji garden in Kyoto the moment I stepped into the garden.

The sculptures, little bridges, water cask, plants and etcs in the garden were painstakingly shipped from Japan back in 20th century. To read more about the history of Japanese Garden in Clingendael Park, check out this link http://www.denhaag.nl/en/residents/to/Japanese-Garden-open-in-Clingendael-Park-2.htm

The Hague's Japanese Garden

The Hague's Japanese Garden

The magnificent views in the garden - cherry blossom and magnolia flowers in full bloom.
Japanse Tuin, Clingendael Park

The Hague's Japanese Garden

Admission to this beautiful Japanese garden is free. However, the garden is only opened for a short period each year, 6 weeks in Spring and 2 weeks in Autumn. Don't miss it!
The Hague's Japanese Garden


  1. Hi,
    I live in The Hague, The Netherlands and will be visiting this garden (part of Clingendael) today to take pictures. Awesome shots!

  2. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the comments and have a great outing to Clingendael park.
