Wednesday 4 September 2013

Awesome Dinner at Pivnice U Kozla @ Bratislava, Slovakia

Restaurant in Bratislava Old Town Square
If you dream of having an awesome meal with excellent service without burning a hole to your wallet, Pivnice U Kozla Restaurant in Bratislava Old Town Square should be your top pick.

Very often, restaurants located near to the tourist attractions are deemed to be tourist trap. But rest be assured that Pivnice U Kozla is not one of them. Food served here are fairly priced and definitely affordable even for those who are on shoe-string budget.

Pivnice U Kozla Restaurant serves mainly local menu, central European cuisine such as beef  goulash, staffed potato dumpling, Wiener schnitzel, chicken dish to name a few. Very close to Czech's menu.

I was zooming in on the pork-ribs as it looked so tempting when i spotted the local folks were having it while passing by the restaurant during lunch. Yes, indeed the pork ribs tasted absolutely heavenly. Well seasoned, tender, juicy and lip-smackingly good.
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava

The generous sour pickles served with the pork ribs are indeed perfect match made in heaven.
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava
Curious with how it tastes, I got myself the potato pancake as the side dish to go with the ribs instead of the usual mashed potato. Brilliant choice indeed! Packed with potato flavour, love it to the max. I was a happy girl.
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava

The Wiener Schnitzel (pork Schnitzel) was equally good. Crispy outside, moist and juicy inside. Served with fries and garden green salad.
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava
The best way to enjoy the food culture here is to eat and drink like the locals. Yup ... the beer is a must! Non-alcoholic beer is served here. So, don't feel the guilt to order one to go with your meal if you are watching your weight.
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava
You will never go wrong with Pivnice U Kozla Restaurant. Compared with the rest of the restaurants around the old town square, it is perhaps the most reasonable priced restaurant and well frequented by the locals.

What an awesome dinner we had. Decent meal with generous portion, good taste, great ambiance and excellent service for just €20, it is indeed nowhere to find in the Netherlands. Highly recommended!!
Pivnice U Kozla, Bratislava

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