Sunday 1 September 2013

Creative Fusion Brunch Ideas With Instant Noodles

fried instant noodles garnish in ice-burg lettuce and chicken pesto toast
Weekend is meant for sleeping late ... this is Denise's philosophy! So, if no outing is planned over the weekend, I will usually prepare myself a hearty brunch at home.

Featuring in my post today is my newly created fusion brunch - fried instant noodles garnish in ice-burg lettuce and chicken pesto toast with cucumber pickle.

The Noodles
fusion cooking Ingredients: 1 beaten egg, 1/2 pack of veggie mix, some shrimps, 1 package of instant noodle, cooking oil and soy sauce, some homemade fried red shallots and a ice-burg lettuce as garnish.

First cook the instant noodle in boiling water for 3 minutes. Set aside use for later. In a heated wok, add in the cooking oil, the veggie and shrimps and stir fry for few minutes until the shrimps turn red and the veggie is cooked. Set aside. In the same wok with medium high heat, pour in the egg mixture to make scramble egg. Now, add in the veggie, shrimps, noodle, soy sauce and stir fry until all the ingredients mixed well. Dish out and serve the fried noodle on a piece of ice-burg lettuce. Lastly, sprinkle some fried red shallots as the finishing touch.

The Chicken Pesto Toast
fusion cooking
Ingredients: 1 slice of wheat bread (cut into 3x5cm stripe), chicken pesto sauce and cucumber.

Spread the chicken pesto sauce on the wheat bread stripe and bake in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 180°c heat. Dish out and garnish with finely cut cucumber slices.

I like my noodles with plenty of greens. I first finished the noodles and saved some of the shrimps, egg and green for my lettuce wrap. Check out the final bite ...mmm...mmm. Love it!
lettuce wrap

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