Wednesday 11 September 2013

Day Trip Itinerary for Bratislava, Capital of Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia

I would very much like to explore every European country I visited in detail, but I do sometimes bound by time constraints.

My recent short trip was an weekend escapade to Budepest and Bratislava. Minus the time spent on the train, I merely have less than 24-hours for Bratislava. Short stay doesn't mean brief visit as I have managed to optimize my visit despite of having only 22 hours to be exact in the city.

1) Old Town Square
Bratislava, Slovakia

The Old town square is walking distance from the Bratislava central train station (Hlavné Námestie). Approximately 1km, the town can be accessible via the local bus from the station too.
Bratislava, Slovakia
The Bratislava Old Town Square is perhaps one of the most concentrated old town in Europe. It might be small but the diversity is amazing - medieval towers, signature European cobble stone small alley, fountain, monuments, square for weekend bazaar, Gothic cathedrals and churches, etc.
Bratislava, Slovakia

A good pair of walking shoes is perhaps essential to explore the town as heels on cobble stone walk way is not highly recommended. However, if you are not too keen to explore the the city on foot, you can always hop-in to the tourist train Prešporáčik which will tour you around the town in a more relaxing way. Ideal for a hot day.

2) Bratislava Castle (Bratislave Hrad)
Bratislava, Slovakia

Across the highway under-bridge which linked to the old town square, you will find a narrow alley that will lead you uphill to the famous Bratislava Castle, the four corner tower stands guard to the massive rectangular castle. The hill provides a spectacular view of the Bratislava city. The view of Slovenského národného povstania bridge with UFO-like tower restaurant across the Danube River is so prominent here.
Bratislava, Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia
Up the hill, there is a small park with benches which serve as an ideal place for visitors to rest and catch up their breath after an up-hill walk to the castle.
Bratislava, Slovakia
There is this little souvenir shop next to the entrance of the castle which sparked my interest. Souvenirs sold here are mainly handmade items made from cloth and wood. Adorable but does not come in cheap.

3) Presidential Palace (Grassalkovich Palace)
Bratislava, Slovakia
Grassalkovich Palace, also know as the Parliament building of Slovakia is located along the way from main  train station to the old town square. It is not a accessible to the public but you may snap a photo right in front the the building with an array of flying Slovakian national flags.

4) Grassalkovich Palace Park
Bratislava, Slovakia

Right behind the Grassalkovich Palace is an awesome park opened for public. It is originally the garden of the palace with impeccable garden and lawns. The statue of Empress Maria Therasa and Fountain of Youth are found in the park too.

5) Food and Shopping
Bratislava, Slovakia
Carefree when shopping and dining in Bratislava. The living standard here is not as high as in the Netherlands and you need not worry about burning a hole in your wallet. Taking food for an example, you could easily enjoy a 3 course meal in a decent restaurant for a mere €20 in Bratislava. Whereas you are in luck if you could score similar restaurant for double the price in the Netherlands.

Check out these posts and you will know what I meant.

After all, I really have an awesome stay in Bratislava. It is by far the less hectic day trip for me ...

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