Saturday 14 September 2013

Oude Hortus Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht

Oude Hortus, Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht

Perhaps I was just being ignorant for not aware that I was up-closed with the world largest lotus leaf names Victoria Amozonica few weeks ago in the greenhouse complex at University Museum Utrecht.

An article in the local press enlightens me to this "hidden wonder" in the greenhouse complex of University Museum Utrecht and I decided to write a post about my recent visit to the Oude Hortus, the museum garden in the city of Utrecht.

Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht

Being the distinctive complex in the museum garden, the greenhouse steers visitors to the museum complex to give it a stroll before everything else. The greenhouse complex was once served as the Botanical Laboratory for the university as early as 18th century. Till these days, the greenhouse still remains as a functioning greenhouse which houses a great collection of the tropical flora and fauna including the world largest lotus leaf.
Oude Hortus, Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht
The greenhouse is able to replicate tropical weather where the temperate is kept at around 30°c to foster plant growth. It is indeed a familiar temperature for me who hails from South East Asia and the first thing I did when stepping into the complex was to take off my jacket.

Check out the renowned world largest lotus leaf, Victoria Amazonica. It is huge, strong and could support the weight of a 9 months old baby. Amazing!!

Oude Hortus, Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht

I guess none of this lotus leaves will go to waste as they were sun-dried naturally, perhaps to be made into specimens for display or lab used.
Oude Hortus, Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht
Some of the colorful and unique tropical plants found in the greenhouse.
Oude Hortus, Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht
The spice garden is another highlight of the museum garden. Culinary herbs such as rosemary, basil, chives and chamomile are found here. What fascinated me most were these poppy plants! Isn't they gorgeous?
Museum Garden @ University Museum Utrecht
The museum garden is definitely worth a stroll and I hope to revisit the garden again.

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