Friday 3 March 2017

Hard-Boiled Eggs with Spicy Soy Sauce Dressing

I struggled to find a suitable name for my new recipe, a hard boiled egg dish. It is inspired by a dish I tried in a Thai buffet restaurant. I later found out that the egg dish is known as son-in-law egg in Thai, which is fried hard-boiled egg with tamarind sauce and topped with fried onion and dried red chili.

I had not figure out the tamarind taste when I sampled the dish. Perhaps the yellow curry sauce which I drizzle on my rice had over powered the tamarind sauce. With no trace of sour taste, I confidently assured myself that the sauce is non other then soy sauce, judging from the deep colour of the sauce.

With no doubt at all, I had the dish 'replicated' with a twist where I had added the sauteed ginger strips for extra aroma and spiciness. The beautiful mistake has indeed turned out to be a great success. I like the dish so much and I am sharing the recipe here.  

4 hard-boiled egg
2 stalks of dried chili
1 medium size onion (thinly sliced)
5-10g of ginger (julienne)
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of water
sugar and pepper to taste
some cooking oil


1. Heat up the cooking oil in the pan and stir fry the ginger strips, dried chili and onion till fragrant
2. Add in the soy sauce, sugar, pepper and water.
3. Cook under medium heat for a few minute till the sauce thicken
4. Halved the hard boiled egg and drizzle the sauce on the eggs

The dish is best to enjoy with fragrant plain rice. The sauce instantly elevated the creamy egg yolk to a higher level. Worth to mention here that the well cooked spices added extra body to the overall dish. It is indeed a comfort food which I will definitely make again.

If you prefer a spicer version, you can add in more ginger and dried red chili too. You may skip de-seeding the dried red chili if you like extra spiciness.

I choose not to deep fry the hard-boiled eggs to avoid excess intake of oil. I also dislike the rubbery layer formed at the outer layer of the hard-boiled eggs after being deep fried. 

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