Friday 7 April 2017

Stir-Fry Tomato Egg

This stir-fry tomato egg dish has indeed brought back great memories to me.

I was assigned to a China project years back and had to travel to China frequently. Being stationed in a small town (about 1 hour away from Shanghai), dinner options are very limited. Lunch was not a problem as there was cafeteria in the factory. Occasionally I did have invitations from local colleague for dinners, but it was not an everyday. My stays could stretch to weeks long and I needed 'to settle' my own dinners most of the time.

The most memorable dining experience at the hotel restaurant was with this dish. I did not order the dish but someone else did, a complete stranger who seated at the next table. Since we were the only 2 diners in the restaurant, we decided to dine together. We had our orders taken before we even decided to share the same table. I ended shifted to his table and we shared each others dishes. I love the stir-fry tomato egg dish he ordered. I was informed that it is a common dish in China. Knowing that I like the dish so much, he generously shared his recipe with me.

Well, I will make the dish when I miss my stay in the little quite town in China. Here is the recipe.

4 beaten eggs
2 large tomato (wedged)
3 tbsp tomato sauce (Heinz tomato sauce)
2 tbsp sugar
50ml water
cooking oil
corn starch solution
salt and pepper to taste
chopped scallion (garnish)


1. Season the egg mixture with some salt and pepper.
2. Heat up generous amount of cooking oil in the pan and pour in the egg mixture. Dish out the omelet for later use.
3. In the same pan, add in the cut tomato and stir-fry for a couple of minutes till the tomato turn soft.
4. Add in the sugar, tomato sauce, water, corn starch solution and simmer for about 1 minute.
5. Add in the omelet. Stir well till the omelet is well coated with the tomato sauce.
6. Garnish the dish with chopped scallion and serve.

Another great dish to enjoy with either rice or noodles. It is indeed a simple dish to prepare with easy to obtain ingredients.

I had the fresh tomato pieces dissolved (integrated) 90% into the sauce for greater sourness and tomato taste. If you prefer the crunchy texture of the fresh tomato, do reduce the cooking time for the tomato. Just a quick stir follow by adding the sauces and omelet.

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