Sunday 7 July 2019

MasFood Rendang Curry Chicken

Knowing that I am a big fan of rendang curry dish, my friend bought me a pack of pre-mixed rendang curry paste all the way from South East Asia to try on. It is the instant rendang curry paste by Masfood.

I highly recommend this instant rendang paste as it is so simple to prepare and it tastes pretty good. Not to mention, it is very time saving i.e. you can basically cut down the prep time (for a delicious bowl of rendang curry) to half with this instant premixed sauce. Check out the simple instructions below.

MasFood Rendang Curry Instant Paste

The only hurdle had was - to prepare the pre-fried coconut shreds, also known as 'kerisk' in Malay. I have no idea what kerisk is. It refers as 'pre-fried coconut shreds' as stated on the packaging. So without much hesitation, I just browned 100g of dried coconut shreds on the frying-pan, and added them into my rendang curry as per the instructions given. It turned out that the pan-browned dried coconut shreds failed to integrate into the curry gravy, instead they floated as 'foreign objects' in the gravy. The pro is, the dried coconut shreds added body to the gravy. However the downside is, the gravy missed its smoothness i.e. you may bite into crunchy and chewy coconut shreds. After all, it did not affect at all the taste of the rendang curry. 

My advice to all is the get the ready-made kerisik if you can get from your local Asian grocers. If you can't find it, just skip it.


1 packet MasFood Instant Rendang Curry Paste
1kg     chicken meat
300ml water
250ml coconut milk
100g   pre-fried coconut shreds (kerisek)

1. Stir fry chicken drumsticks with the rendang paste over low heat until aromatic.
2. Add in water and coconut milk to simmer until chicken drumsticks are tender and the gravy becomes thicker.
3. Add in the coconut shreds and cook for few minutes.

MasFood Perencah Rendang Segera

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