Thursday 22 August 2019

Mo Sang Kor Herbal Chicken Soup

Herbal Chicken Soup

Early of the year, I had posted a recipe of herbal chicken soup recipe using spice mixed by Tean's Gourmet. But this time round, I am trying a new brand called Mo Sang Kor. Initially I have no intention to include it on my blog as Mo Sang Kor is not the brand I would go for when come to chicken soup. However after the first sip of the flavorful broth, I was instantly convinced that this is the best herbal chicken soup herbs and spices mixed which I would definitely go back again.

For those who love herbal chicken soup, I strongly recommend you give this brand a try. The soup tastes authentic and is comparable with the herbal chicken soup which you can get from the famous restaurants. Unlike other brands I had tried, the herbal taste of Mo Sang Kor is much stronger and flavorful, while the other brands tasted a bit diluted. I prefer the stronger herbal taste for my chicken soup. For pre-mixed packets by other brands, I usually use lesser amount of water than recommended i.e. I use 1.5 liter of water instead of the recommended 2 liter. With Mo Sang Kor spices mixed, there is no trace of diluted flavor even with 2 liter of water. Thumb up!

1 packet Mo Sang Kor chicken soup herbs & spices mixed
800g chicken drumsticks
2 liter water
3 gloves garlic
8 pieces mushrooms
3 tsp thick soy sauce
3 tsp soy sauce
salt to taste

Optional: 200g baby corns, 1 stalk of carrot (sliced), coriander


1. In a pot, bring 2 liter of water to boil.
2. Add in herbs & spices mixed, chicken drumsticks, mushrooms, carrot into the boiling water.
3. Boil for 30-40 min under medium-low heat.
4. Add in baby corns and salt, simmer for 5-8 min.
5. Add coriander then serve.

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