Friday 29 November 2019

4-Ingredients Sweet Potato Pancakes

I am on sweet potato pancakes' spell and I have made the pancakes twice in a week. Reason ... I just can't enough of these pancakes. They are simply addictive and you will just snack and snack until you realize you have just tagged in the last piece of pancake on the plate. Trust me, they taste super good and you will not be satisfied with just a single slice. Make sure you make more :).

These sweet potato pancakes are not to make though, what you need are just 4 ingredients: 350g sweet potatoes, 1 cup of glutinous rice flour, 5g of sugar (adjust according to your taste) and some cooking oil for pan-fry purposes.


1. Cut the sweet potatoes to slices and steam under high heat for 15min until they turn soft.
2. Smash the steamed sweet potatoes in a mix bowl. Add in the glutinous rice flour and sugar. With hand, mix everything well until they combine into a dough form.
3. Cover both palms with some glutinous rice flour. Place some dough on your palm, roll it into a compact ball then flatten it into a pancake about 1/2 inch thick.
~Repeat the same process until all all the dough are done~
4. Heat up the skillet with 1 tbsp of cooking oil. Pan-fry the pancake at medium high heat until both sides turn golden brown.

The pancakes serve as an ideal afternoon snack and are best enjoyed while they are warm. They go absolutely well with a cup of hot tea. What an indulgence during a cold afternoon.

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