Monday 30 December 2019

Indonesian Rendang Curry by Asian Home Gourmet

There wasn’t a plan to cook rendang dishes for the weekend, somehow I spotted the rendang spice pre-mixed pack from the Asian grocer. Out of curiosity, I bought a packet for a try.

The instructions (as stated on the packaging) to prepare the dish was rather simple, as contrasted to the usual way to prepare the dish. I was a bit skeptical with the taste of the end product as I suspected it might not taste like the usual rendang which I am familiar to. I was completely right !! The dish did not at all look or taste like rendang, in fact, it tasted like the spicy version of curry chicken. Don’t get me wrong, even though it didn’t taste like rendang, but the overall taste of the dish was good.

My rendang curry was rather watery than I expected. Perhaps I wasn't patient enough with the simmering process. I should have waited for a bit longer until the gravy was thicken. Anyway I quite like the dish. I would name my dish as 'spicy creamy chicken curry' instead of rendang curry.


1 packet Indonesian Rendang Curry spice paste by Asian Home Gourmet
450g chicken breast (cut into cubes)
440ml coconut milk
2 tbsp cooking oil
salt to taste
kaffir lime leaves as garnish (optional)

1. Heat up cooking oil in the pan. Add spice paste and stir-fry for half a minute.
2. Add in chicken meat and stir-fry for 2 min.
3. Pour in coconut milk and bring to boil. Simmer the rendang for 30 min under low heat.
4. Lift the cover, continue to simmer for another 20 min until the meat is tender and gravy almost dry. 


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